Leakage testing (D)

Execution area D
Leakage testing of wastewater pipes and sewers of all materials and nominal widths with the associated structures.
These Quality and Test Specifications apply to the manufacture and maintenance1) of public and private wastewater pipes and sewers and the associated structures.
The Generally Accepted Rules of Technology (a.a.R.d.T.) apply to the manufacture and maintenance of wastewater pipes and sewers.
3.1 Execution areas and appraisal groups
If the requirements on technical performance capability and experience for the specified service group are met, an enterprise/an organisation (public institution /engineering office) is classified in the appraisal group of the same name.
Leakage testing of wastewater pipes and sewers of all materials and nominal widths with the associated structures.
The same applies to the assessment groups or execution area D:
- Experience and reliability
Particular experience and reliability of the enterprise and of the personnel employed with regard to the execution of the described tasks.
The particular experience of the enterprise is considered verified through supporting documentation on the corresponding activities.
The reliability of the enterprise is considered verified through submission of a corporate management system.
The particular experience of the personnel employed is considered verified through supporting documentation on the corresponding activities.
The reliability of the personnel employed is considered verified through submission of the appropriate references (e.g. certificates).
- Subcontractors
Subcontractors for the performance of activities falling within this or another appraisal group under section 3.1 must meet the relevant requirements of the Quality and Test Specifications.
3.14 Requirements for appraisal group D
The section numbering refers to the sections of Gütesicherung Kanalbau RAL-GZ 961 ("Construction and maintenance of wastewater pipes and sewers").
3.14.1 Resources of the enterprise Personnel
- Technical supervisors5) in the appropriate number for the scope of the task with three years of successful practical testing activity, alternatively responsible specialists with a qualification to be recognised by the Quality Committee with specialist knowledge for leakage testing of wastewater pipes and sewers.
Proof of specialist knowledge is deemed to have been provided by submitting suitable training certificates. - The personnel employed must have specialist knowledge of construction, operation and materials from the field of sewer construction. Evidence must also be provided of:
- successful training or education in leak testing,
- at least one year of testing experience
- Evidence of knowledge of construction, operation and materials, knowledge of disposal and successful training or education will be deemed provided by presentation of evidence of suitable training certificates9).
- Training. Operating facilities and equipment
All the operating facilities required for performance of the respective work must be available. Equipment must be provided on the construction site in sufficient quantity and in a serviceable condition.
- Barrier material for securing construction sites and material for traffic safety and guidance,
- Test equipment for the proof of tightness according to DIN EN 1610, DWA-A 139 and DWA-M 149, Part 6.
4.1 Inspections by the Quality Committee or its agents
Applicants for and users of quality marks are required to present appropriate documentation to the Quality Committee of the Gütegemeinschaft "Güteschutz Kanalbau" as verification of the fulfilment of the quality requirements of the respectively desired or certified appraisal group and to register all construction sites and projects.
Company inspection
In a company inspection a test engineer appointed by the Quality Committee or a test centre tasked by the Quality Committee inspects and evaluates, by spot checks, compliance with and documentation of the requirements for the respective appraisal group, including documentation of the self-monitoring and the reports from the construction sites or from projects. The documents are checked for completeness and evaluated.
Results of company inspections are recorded. The appraisal of the qualification takes all findings into account in a summary report. Copies are received by the applicants or users of the quality mark, the office of the Gütegemeinschaft "Güteschutz Kanalbau" and the Quality Committee.
Following award of the quality mark company inspections are conducted according to the situation, but the minimum is:
- 1 company inspection a year.
Inspection of construction sites
When inspecting a construction site a test engineer appointed by the Quality Committee or a test centre tasked by the Quality Committee inspects and evaluates, by spot checks, compliance with and documentation of the requirements for the respective appraisal group, including documentation of the self-monitoring and the reports from the construction sites or from projects. The documents are checked for completeness and evaluated.
Results of construction site inspections are recorded. The appraisal of the qualification takes all findings into account in a summary report. Copies are received by the applicants or users of the quality mark, the office of the Gütegemeinschaft "Güteschutz Kanalbau" and the Quality Committee evaluating the reports.
Site inspections [number/a] are generally carried out after the quality mark has been awarded, depending on the number of crews/teams deployed as shown in table 2:
Groups |
crews / teams
number of inspections / a |
AK |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
V*) |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
S*) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
I |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
R |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
D |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
*) related to the respective certified jacking method or S-system.
Repeat inspection
In the event that requirements are not met, the inspector can arrange a date for a prompt repeat inspection for the necessary and possible remedial action.
4.2 Inspections by employees of the enterprise (self-monitoring)
In the case of self-monitoring, for all appraisal groups the requirements assigned in section 3 are to be examined and compliance with them documented.
The stipulations set out in the "Guidelines for self-monitoring" are applicable.
The acceptance certificates, the results of the concluding inspections and tests and all supporting documents for self-monitoring must be retained for at least 5 years.
4.3 Review of qualifications and checking of self-monitoring
Unannounced reviews of the continued existence of the qualifications, self-monitoring and compliance with the other requirements of the certified appraisal group, also taking into account the stipulations in the Implementing Regulations, are undertaken at irregular intervals.
If non-conformities are found, the Quality Committee proposes that the Executive Board issue sanctions as laid down in the Implementing Regulations.
If the reference measures no longer correspond sufficiently to the thrust of the requirements profile of an appraisal group, the Quality Committee may, after the appropriate evaluation, decide to change the classification to a different appraisal group or the Executive Board may withdraw the quality mark on the proposal of the Quality Committee.
For further regulations on company and site visits see section 4.1.
5.1 Award
Companies, public institutions and engineering offices that provide services in accordance with these Quality and Test Specifications may use the Sewer Construction Quality Mark for these services as soon as they have been awarded the right to use the quality mark and compliance with the specified quality is assured.
The assessment group or groups must be indicated as an addition under the quality mark. The quality mark holder may only use the quality mark with the indication of the assessment group or groups for which they have been awarded the quality mark.
5.2 Application
The application of the quality mark is governed exclusively by the implementation regulations for the award and use of the quality mark for sewer construction of the "Güteschutz Kanalbau" quality association.
Companies, public institutions, and engineering offices that provide services in accordance with the Quality and Test Specifications mark their services with the quality mark sewer construction.
These Quality and Test Specifications may be supplemented and further developed taking into account technical progress. Changes require the prior written consent of RAL. They will be put into effect by the Executive Board of the "Güteschutz Kanalbau" Quality Association after a reasonable period of time from the date of notification of the quality mark holders.
1) Maintenance includes the measures for servicing, inspection and refurbishment for functional operation and upkeep.
2) Difficult conditions are e.g.: Groundwater drainage, construction in groundwater without subsidence, construction under operation with greater wastewater accumulation, construction of special foundation measures.
3) Technically demanding construction methods are e.g.: Use of special types of shoring (e.g. soldier pile walls, sheet pile walls, shotcrete construction).
4) An overview of rehabilitation systems is available from the Gütegemeinschaft "Güteschutz Kanalbau".
5) Persons with a qualification assigned to at least level 6 in the German and European Qualifications Framework.
For the assessment groups ABAK, ABV, ABS, AK1, AK2, VOD, VO, VB, VMD, VM:
- Persons who have successfully completed a degree in civil engineering or another field of study with corresponding study content (syllabus).
For the assessment groups AK3, VP, S*), I, R, D:
- Persons with successful completion of the "state-certified technician" (staatlich geprüfter Techniker) in a corresponding construction field,
- Persons who have passed the master craftsman's examination if corresponding activities, knowledge and skills are included in the master craftsman's ordinance (Ordinance on the Master Craftsman's Examination Job Profile and on the Examination Requirements in Parts I and II of the Master Craftsman's Examination),
- Persons who have passed the examination for the recognised advanced training qualification of certified foreman in the field of civil engineering (PolierPrV 2012, amended by Art. 1 V v. 22.04.2014).
For all above-mentioned assessment groups:
- Persons with qualifications recognised as equivalent.
6) E.g. "Certified sewer rehabilitation consultant" (Zertifizierter Kanalsanierungsberater) or comparable evidence.
7) E.g. "DWA-tested sewer inspector" (DWA-geprüfter Kanalinspekteur), "Certified sewer rehabilitation consultant" or comparable evidence.
8) E.g. "DWA-tested sewer cleaner" (DWA-geprüfter Kanalreiniger) or comparable evidence.
9) E.g. "DWA knowledge for leak testing of drainage systems outside buildings" (DWA-Sachkunde für Dichtheitsprüfung von Entwässerungsanlagen außerhalb von Gebäuden) or comparable proof.
*) The VM requirements apply to the S52 rehabilitation system.
All designations of persons and functions used in these quality and test specifications are to be understood as gender neutral.