Verification of bidder eligibility prior to procurement
The technical qualifications of bidders are a critical factor in the decision to award contracts. Gütesicherung Kanalbau RAL-GZ 961 is a neutral instrument that can be used to verify bidder eligibility in respect of what is an important criterion for the success of a project.
The Quality and Test Specifications RAL-GZ 961 lay down detailed requirements on companies and personnel in respect of specialist knowledge, technical performance capability and technical reliability. They detail the requirements on the experience and reliability of the company and personnel, on the qualification of personnel and their regular training, on the operating facilities and equipment, on subcontractors and on the documentation of self-monitoring.
Compliance with these requirements is demanded by clients and must be demonstrated by the bidder when submitting a bid. To ensure ongoing compliance with these requirements, quality mark holders are given continuous advisory support and are subject to monitoring by the test engineers commissioned by the Quality Committee.
The following pages provide information on:
- Fundamental relationships in the verification of bidder eligibility
- Requirement of bidder eligibility in the contracting terms
- Formulation of the bidder qualification requirement pursuant to RAL-GZ 961
- Guides and further information on the requirement, verification and demonstration of bidder eligibility pursuant to RAL-GZ 961 (notes to EFB)
- Legal framework for the requirement of bidder eligibility
- Contacts in the event of questions
- Applications for membership of the Gütegemeinschaft Kanalbau"