
Application for membership of the RAL Gütegemeinschaft
Notwithstanding the requirement of bidder eligibility, more than 1450 contracting authorities and engineering firms are at present members of the Gütegemeinschaft Kanalbau. Members signal their quality standards to the outside world by using the member's logo.
They also benefit from the following:
- Involvement in the development of the RAL-Gütesicherung Kanalbau
The right to vote at the Members' Meeting
- Marks of membership
As a client or engineering firm, you signal effectively to bidders and executing companies that you expect construction services to be performed properly
- Support and advice
from your local test engineer as a neutral point of contact for tendering and quality assured execution
- Access to the login area of
Information about construction sites reported by member firms, insight into individual models of self-monitoring in commissioned rehabilitation projects
- Knowledge sharing on quality of execution
Invitation to knowledge sharing events organised by clients, engineering firms and contractors
- Professional development
Participation in annual client expert meetings on the subjects of open sewer construction, tunneling, rehabilitation, inspection, cleaning and leakage testing
- Special terms
e.g. for seminars on public construction procurement law and for the "Zertifizierter Kanal-Sanierungs-Berater" (certified sewer rehabilitation consultant) course
- Latest information
The Gütegemeinschaft keeps you informed of significant changes in regulations and public construction procurement law and provides guides relating to the issue of quality and qualifications
To the applications:
Application form for business and public institutions